Passion, creativity and patience in mechanics

According to the data of the Center for Forecasting Human Needs and Labor Market Information in Ho Chi Minh City (Falmi), which is published annually, the demand for mechanical engineering – metallurgy – automobile and motorcycle technology is currently at the top. , accounting for over 25% of labor demand. Therefore, the job opportunities in this industry are huge.
What to study in Mechanical Engineering?
Mechanical Engineering or Mechanical Technology is the application of physical principles to create useful machines, devices, or objects. Mechanics apply the principles of thermodynamics, the law of conservation of mass and energy to analyze static and dynamic physical systems, serving design work in fields such as automobiles, airplanes. and other vehicles, machines, robots, heating and cooling systems, household appliances, production equipment, weapons…
Studying Mechanical Engineering, students (students) are equipped with knowledge and skills in machining, designing, manufacturing and improving mechanical products; Ability to operate, assemble and maintain mechanical equipment, mechanical systems and solve problems related to machines and equipment in the production process. Able to read and draw technical drawings; Proficient in CAD/CAM/CNC/CAE technology, man-machine interface…
Mechanical Engineering learners need to have focused attention, diligence, patience and dedication in their work.
Choose the right place to study
Mechanical Engineering is trained in most universities specializing in engineering and technology and Cuu Long University is one of the quality training schools in Mechanical Engineering.
When studying at Cuu Long University, students can practice at the mechanical internship workshop with advanced mechanical equipment applying CAD/CAM/CNC/CAE technology; regularly attend seminars with experts from large domestic and foreign enterprises and corporations. In particular, Cuu Long University encourages and provides maximum support for students who participate in domestic machine-building contests, large and small robots, and mechanical Olympiads… at the same time, creating favorable conditions for students to develop their capabilities. own creativity, learn and exchange experiences with students from other universities. This is also the strength of the Mechanical Engineering training program at Cuu Long University.
Career opportunities
Mechanical engineering is considered the “heart” of the industrialization process and is developing rapidly. In the future, the demand for human resources in this industry will increase, creating more job opportunities for learners.
Mechanical engineers can undertake the design, drawing, installation or processing of machines and equipment at factories, constructions, mechanical companies; experts in consulting, designing, operating and repairing machinery and mechanical equipment; or technical managers and executives at production, business, and mechanical service units serving security, defense, automobiles, ships, aviation…
Our country is on the way of industrialization – modernization to integrate with the world economy after joining the WTO. Therefore, the opportunity to work in the mechanical industry becomes more open than ever. When accumulating a lot of experience, machine-building engineers can advance to higher positions or own their own mechanical facilities and companies.
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